In the Wilderness
Your next encounter in the wild could be your first and maybe your last. Study about where you’re going, whether it is the tundra or a rainforest. You’ll need to know where you may be stuck and what enemies you are going to encounter: A Siberian tiger or an aardwolf. You’ll need to research using a wide variety of sources, not just this book. Knowing about where you are going will give you a huge advantage regarding what to prepare, and how to deal with wild predators. This rule greatly increases your chance of surviving a battle. Put your faith in me.
In School
What’s so scary about school bullies? They’re not the ultimate lifeform you know. They still have weaknesses and you need to know about them first. A general weakness is that they fear teachers. What kind of student is not scared of the teachers? Bullies only work in small numbers and if they tell a terrible joke, their gang will laugh even though it was a really horrible joke. If you have your own gang, you should be able to dominate them. You can note to yourself that bullies are cowards because they can’t even stand up to someone their OWN size, let alone someone BIGGER than them.