In the Wilderness
What can your surroundings offer? Good question. They will give you an advantage if you get the high ground, which will increase your survival chances as well as increase your range weapon’s effectiveness, giving you extra time and opportunities to act. You’ll also have more space for stealth. In addition to the high ground, you may have trees. You can climb one to avoid predators and have a better spot to hunt from. What if you are in the savanna and some local tribe tries to attack you? If it is a small, concentrated group, your hand should be able to throw enough sand to disable their vision for a few moments. Well... regarding camouflage, you need to plan first, like mentioned above. And it all depends on the environment when finding a suitable hiding place.
In School
This one is pretty risky but worth it. For example, if there’s a water fountain nearby, you could quickly fill your mouth with water and spit it on the bully. This could give you time to run, and if you’re lucky, you’ll meet a teacher and can explain that you’ve accidentally spilled the water on the bully. You’ll have to apologize to them, even though you did nothing wrong but that might piss them off quite a lot so watch out for them after school. They could still want to dig their fist into your face. Well, what about when you get the teachers mad? You might seem powerless in front of them, but the others around you are also vulnerable to teachers. You could blame something you just did, like accidentally hitting the PE teacher with a ball, on your peers. Just blame it on: 1. Your class’ worst shooters, 2. The best basketball player in class (they can get off it easily, trust me, 3. The kid with bad a reputation. But every action has consequences, so be prepared and also learn how to avoid trouble in the first place.