“She’s always there for me,” “I can call her day or night,” “I can tell her anything,” “I’d be lost without her.” These are just some of the phrases we found repeated in the thousands of inspiring, heartfelt and humorous stories that were submitted to us for Chicken Soup for the Sister’s Soul. Whether connected by genetics or the heart, our sisters know us in a way no one else can. We’re cut from the same cloth, molded by a unique shared experience.
We are at once girlfriends, shopping companions, confidants, rivals and more. These invisible ties stretch and bend through times of closeness and distance.
We conceived of this book as a gift to our own sisters; however, we hope that it inspires you to recognize the essential role your sisters play in your lives. You’ve probably noticed that when you’re going through a challenging time, your natural inclination is to reach out to another woman. When we talk with our biological sister, or a chosen sister of our heart, we feel less alone. Knowing that we can count on our sister in a time of crisis or to celebrate good news brings great comfort.
What’s more, our sisters are a storehouse of our most treasured memories: snuggling under the covers in the middle of the night, taking baths together, rehearsing for school plays and piano recitals, experiencing family vacations, shared secrets…
We hope that you will cherish these stories as much as we do. We’re thrilled to celebrate this unique relationship. We hope this collection will reveal the magic of sisterhood and inspire you to appreciate how truly blessed you are to be and have a sister.