hey are so small and fragile,
you are afraid you will not hear
So you lay awake and... listen
They are little and just in the next room,
suddenly it is very quiet
So you go to the doorway and... listen
They are bigger and have so much to tell you about their day
You are busy and very tired but you make the time
and... listen
They are a little bigger and so secretive, they do not say much anymore
You must find different ways to ... listen
They are teenagers and talk a strange new language
You try hard to hear without commenting and just... listen
They are growing up, all at once they know it all
It’s best to let them think so and... listen
They are becoming adults, they want to talk and ask your advice
There might be things you do not want to hear, but you... listen
They grow up and go away
You hate the silence, the phone rings, you can’t wait to . . . listen
They come to visit with their kids, all demanding your ears at once
Someone shouts “be quiet!”, no it’s all right, it’s so wonderful to ... listen
They get older, you get old, they speak loud as if you are deaf
It’s okay, you nod your head and... listen
You pass on, and when they pray, they do not ask for God
They need to talk to you, God is gracious, and once again He lets you... listen
- Carolee Hudgins