We never set out to sell books. We set out to touch the heart of one person in the hope that that person would in turn touch another person, and that person another person, and so on down the line. We admit it: Twelve years ago we were naive enough to think that stories could make the world a better place. And we were right. More than 80 million people have been inspired by Chicken Soup stories around the world!
For us, Chicken Soup for the Soul isn’t just a book series; it’s a feeling and a life philosophy. It’s strength in the face of adversity. Friendship in a moment of loneliness. Hope to brighten the depths of heartache. Love as a response to pain. Chicken Soup for the Soul is the belief that we are all good people and that, by truly listening to each other, we can begin to heal the hurt within ourselves, within our communities and throughout the world.
We all have stories to tell. An elderly relative of Linda K. Williams, one of the coauthors of this volume, was murdered by a drug addict. Instead of letting that terrible act beat her down, Linda turned her pain into a movement to put an end to senseless violence. That is aChicken Soup for the Soul moment, for there is nothing more central to our philosophy than the belief that when you reach out, you broaden the circle of life and the circle of love.
Every story has a message; every story is from someone like you; every story can change your mind, your heart and your life. We hope you’ll take a moment now to think back on the stories that inspired you - whether you read them in our books, in other books or lived them in your own life - and rekindle the sense of wonder you felt when you experienced that wonderful emotion for the first time.
At Chicken Soup for the Soul, we know that stories make a difference. We know because of the letters we receive telling us how much these stories mean to you. But we also know it because these stories have changed our own lives. They have inspired us, and when you’re inspired, no matter who you are, you will change the world.