The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them... Sometimes a person needs an inspiring story more than food to stay alive.
- Barry Lopez
From our hearts to yours, we are delighted to offer you Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul. This book contains over 100 stories that we know will encourage you to have more hope, empower you to take charge of your life and your healing process, inspire you to give and receive more unconditional love, motivate you to fight and persevere in the face of what may seem to be insurmountable obstacles and odds, invite you to share your feelings, persuade you to reach out for and accept more support, and finally, convince you to live each day more fully and with more humor as you pursue your heartfelt dreams with more conviction. This book will sustain you in times of frustration and challenge, and comfort you in times of pain and suffering. If you let it, Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul will truly be a lifetime companion, offering insight, wisdom and guidance on many areas of your recovery and your life.